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Chilli Alice Jane Hodgson



Loves to travel & learning about new cultures. Hopeless romantic, spontaneous, fun-loving, & an idealist.
Adores animals.

Loves nothing more than cuddling on the sofa & watching films with Chris. Enjoys going new places, reading good books, playing video games, & spending time with family.

Chris David Hodgson


A logical & rational minded man, he is strategic & practical: Organised, patient, down to earth & caring.
A full on social butterfly, always arranging time with friends. A family man, hard working, & traditional gentleman. Practical & a realist.

Loves fast cars & high tech gadgets. Enjoys sci-fi & the idea of space travel, favourite films are usually futuristic.






The first rabbit of the group, Pancake was bought from a breeder to help keep Chilli company. A sweet little lady, with a lovely temperment & fine to be handled. She likes watching TV & being pampered by the other rabbits. Little bit lazy, she acts like a princess.





Saved at Christmas, he was named 'Mince Pie' by his rescuers. Found in a 6ft hutch with 11 other rabbits, the top of his ear has been chewed away. He has to wiggle his way in the smallest gap between other rabbits & loves company. A typical 'boy'.





Given to Chilli in the middle of a car park, Pumpkin is believed to be a failed Easter present. Playful, friendly & curious, Pumpkin is a pretty harlequin & huge! A bit of a 'tom-boy' she seems endlessly happy & content, but only like a fuss on her own terms!





Found a small black rabbit at the side of the road in Ashingdon. We tried finding his family but in the end, he has stayed with us. A sweet, loving little boy who adores a fuss & is incredibly curious - always getting into things he shouldn't; we have nicknamed him "The Black Menace". His best friend is Polly, the cat.





Chris fell in love with Polly after finding her in need of a home on the internet. She had been over-looked & left in the rescue centre for nine months after her elderly owner died. Shy & timid around new people, she very vocal & loves her belly rubbed! A little dim, she's not very intelligent for a cat!



10/01/2011 - 04/09/2017


Biscuit was the result of a divorce; neither party wanted him. He suffered from dacryocystitis & e.cuniculi, but he's a sweetheart. A Mummy's-Boy, he was a bit of an old man but looked out for the rest of the group. The E.C. finally took it's toll on his little body & he is greatly missed.



06/07/2012 - 31/10/2014


Unintentionally bought from a rescue while helping a friend collect a rabbit, Chilli fell in love with him as soon as she held him; dishevelled little bun, with two toes missing & his ears damaged, he was deaf & always a bit of a mess! Doted on Pancake & was very curious. Died suddenly on Halloween.



07/08/2010 - 13/04/2015


Unexpectedly bought from a pet shop after being dumped there by her previous owners. Clearly had a rough beginning as she was very nervous & disliked being touched. However, she had gotten so much better; progressed in leaps & bounds, & could be very sweet & friendly if she felt safe & happy. Rehomed to a lovely lady but died suddenly a year later.

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